Fatigue Testing up to 10 Hz at 1600 °C with High-Precision Axial Extensometers

Model 7650A extensometers measure strains with extremely high precision due to their design features and low strain range. Capable of tension and compression strain measurement, they may be used for fatigue testing under fully reversed load and strain conditions at temperatures up to 1600 °C and frequencies up to 10 Hz. They are also suitable for elevated temperature tension tests and compression tests.
Multi-point calibration enables linearity that is typically ≤0.1% of full scale. User-selectable digital filters, stiff frame mounting, and internal design features combine for excellent signal quality and minimal influence from external vibrations.
Epsilon’s slide mounting and automatic gauge length setting features enable mounting to hot specimens after they have reached temperature equilibrium. The system sets gauge length accurately at all temperatures without user intervention. A single calibration at room-temperature can be used for all test temperatures. Works with furnaces or induction heating.